Liturgy Office
England & Wales
The Liturgy Office serves the work of the Department for Christian Life and Worship of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales providing resources, information and advice.

Ordinary Time
Grant that your faithful, O Lord,
whom you nourish and endow with life
through the food of your Word and heavenly Sacrament,
may so benefit from your beloved Son's great gifts
that we may merit an eternal share in his life.
Roman Missal, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Besides the times of year that have their own distinctive character, there remains in the yearly cycle thirty-three or thirty-four weeks in which no particular aspect of the mystery of Christ is celebrated,but rather the mystery of Christ itself is honoured in its fullness, especially on Sundays. This period is known as Ordinary Time.
Universal Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar, 42
Beginning with the Third Sunday, there is a semicontinuous reading of the Synoptic Gospels. This reading is arranged in such a way that as the Lord's life and preaching unfold the teaching proper to each of these Gospels is presented.
The Lectionary for Mass
A new edition of the Lectionary using the English Standard Version - Catholic Edition and the Abbey Psalms and Canticles came into use in England and Wales on the First Sunday of Advent, 2024.
- Resources for: Lectionary
Roman Missal
Formation material for and texts from the Roman Missal have been re-incorporated back into the Liturgy Office website.
- Liturgical Calendar
- Cycle of Prayer
- Documents
- Resources
- celebrate the Sacraments:
- explore the General Instruction of the Roman Missal
- make use of The Gift of Scripture
- Prayer
Department for Christian Life and Worship
The Department for Christian Life and Worship is one of the six Departments of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. It is advised by three Committees:
- Liturgy
- Patrimony
- Spirituality
Contact Details
- Director Liturgy Office
- Vacant
- Department Secretary
- Fr Paul Gunter OSB
- Liturgy Office
39 Eccleston Square
London SW1V 1PL - 020 7901 4850
020 7901 4821 fax -