Ordinary Time: Winter
Throughout Ordinary Time: Winter we are asked to pray for the following intentions:
Further Resources
- Ordinary Time: Winter prayer card [pdf]
- Ordinary Time: Winter intentions [pdf]
notes (from this page) for Liturgy groups - Guidance on celebrating Special Days of Prayer [pdf]
- Table of Rubrics
- Ordinary Time: Seasonal Information
Peace on Earth
especially on 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time & Racial Justice Day — 3 Sundays before 1st Sunday of Lent
The World Day of Prayer for Peace is marked on 1 January. As this day is when the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God and it is the beginning of the new year in England and the day is transferred to 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. There maybe a collection for the work of Pax Christi.
The day of prayer for Racial Justice is organised by the ecumenical Churches' Commission for Racial Justice. A collection may be taken on this day.
O God of peace, who are peace itself
and whom a spirit of discord
cannot grasp,
nor a violent mind receive,
grant that those who are one in heart
may persevere in what is good
and that those in conflict
may forget evil and so be healed.
Roman Missal
Prayer of the Faithful
one of the following may be used or adapted according to local needs
- For peace between nations,
a lasting peace with justice. - For individuals, groups or movements that promote war and conflict,
that Christ, the Prince of Peace, might turn hearts to a culture of life.
Mass Texts
may be used when permitted - see Table of Rubrics
- Roman Missal: 30. For the Preservation of Peace and Justice
Opportunities and Challenges
- Places of conflict may often be mentioned in the Prayer of the Faithful what opportunities are there for finding out more about what is involved.
- Why not include the references for next Sunday's readings in the bulletin.
- Read the Pope's message for the World Day of Prayer for Peace.
- Keep up to date with the statements of the Holy See and the Bishops' Conference.
- How well do those who minister to the assembly represent the diversity present in the parish?
- The use of music from around the world can both remind us that we belong to a worldwide Church and give us fresh insight into our beliefs.
- Invite different ethnic groups within the parish to contribute to an evening of food and entertainment.
- Holy Father's Message for World Day of Prayer for Peace
- Vatican Information Service
- Department for International Affairs — Press Releases & Statements
- Pax Christi
- Catholic Association for Racial Justice
- Churches' Commission for Racial Justice
Christian Unity
especially during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18–25 January.
The Week of was originally begun in 1908 by the American Episcopalian clergyman Paul Wattson who later became a Catholic. The Week begins on 18 January and ends on 25 January—the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul. Material for the Week of Prayer is prepared in collaboration by Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. Each year this material is produced by Christians in a different country.
May the divisions among Christians be overcome
so that we may hasten
to your eternal Kingdom
in the perfect communion
of the Church.
cf. Roman Missal
Prayer of the Faithful
one of the following may be used or adapted according to local needs
- For unity among all the followers of Christ,
a unity founded on truth and compassion. - For the churches to find a common voice
to speak on matters that affect the whole of society.
Mass Texts
may be used when permitted - see Table of Rubrics
- 17. For the Unity of Christians
Opportunities and Challenges
- How might a parish's chosen intention from the Cycle of Prayer be shared ecumenically both in terms of prayer and action.
- What regular liturgical celebrations in the parish could other denominations be invited to attend.
Victims of Human Trafficking
especially on feast of St Josephine Bakhita — 8 February
St Josephine Bakhita is the Sudanese Saint who at the age of nine was kidnapped and sold into slavery. She suffered terribly at the hands of her kidnappers so much so that she forgot her birth name. Her kidnappers gave her the name ‘Bakhita’ which means ‘Fortunate’.
O God, who led Saint Josephine Bakhita
from abject slavery
to the dignity of being your daughter
and a bride of Christ,
grant, we pray, that by her example
we may show constant love
for the Lord Jesus crucified,
remaining steadfast in charity
and prompt to show compassion..
Roman Missal
Prayer of the Faithful
one of the following may be used or adapted according to local needs
- For all who are victims of human trafficking,
may they know wholeness and safety. - For all who work with victims of human trafficking,
may they be agents of mercy and seekers of justice.
Liturgical Texts
may be used when permitted - see Table of Rubrics
- Roman Missal: 43. For those held in captivity
- Book of Blessings: Order for the Blessing of a Victim of Crime or Oppression (Chapter 2)
Opportunities and Challenges
- Find out about any local projects to support the victims of human trafficking.
The Sick and those who Care for them
especially on World Day of Prayer for the Sick — 11 February
11 February is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. On this the Church all to pray and give attention to the sick and those who care for them. Each year the Holy Father writes a message.
Accept the prayers we offer
for our brothers and sisters
who are ill,
that, having been anxious
for them in their danger,
we may rejoice
at their recovery of health.
cf. Roman Missal
Prayer of the Faithful
one of the following may be used or adapted according to local needs
- For all who are sick,
may they be restored to fullness of health
or come to know dignity in their suffering. - For doctors, nurses and all who care the sick and the dying,
may they bring Christ's love and compassion to all for whom they care.
Liturgical Texts
may be used when permitted - see Table of Rubrics
- Roman Missal: 45 For the Sick
- Book of Blessings: Orders for the Blessing of the Sick (Chapter 2)
- Book of Blessings: Order for the Blessing of a New Hospital or Other Facility for the Care of the Sick (Chapter 17)
Opportunities and Challenges
- Take copies of the parish bulletin to those who are sick and housebound.
- Ask the sick and the housebound to pray for the needs of the parish, maybe those preparing to receive Sacraments.
- What support is offered those who visit the sick and housebound?
- How can the parish through volunteers support the work of the local hospital and other healthcare centres.
- Message of the Holy Father for World Day for the Sick
- Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers
- Department for Christian Responsibility and Citizenship - Healthcare Information
- The Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics
- Catholics in Healthcare
- When someone is ill - a guide to Pastoral Care of the Sick [pdf]
The Unemployed
especially on the Sunday before 1st Sunday of Lent.
The Day of Prayer for the Unemployed was organised by Church Action on Poverty. They have recently renamed their day as Poverty Action Sunday. Caritas-Social Action is the agency in the Catholic Church which acts an umbrella for many diocesan and local organisations concerned with poverty and other social issues.
O God, the source of human dignity,
in your image every person is fashioned
and by your Son all people are redeemed.
Make us honour the work of your hands,
that we may reverence you in those whom the world considers least
and serve you in all whom society neglects.
Prayer of the Faithful
one of the following may be used or adapted according to local needs
- For all seeking work or unable to work through disability and illness,
may they place their trust in the God of hope and new beginnings. - For politicians and all who work with the economy,
may they always remember the poor and those who have least.
Liturgical Texts
Opportunities and Challenges
- Learn about Catholic Social Teaching — Find about the livesimply project.
- Make use of Caritas' Faith Reflections
- Caritas-Social Action Network
- Church Action on Poverty
- The Common Good — Bishops' Statement
- livesimply project