As an aid to identifying documents each one has been given a number which can be found at the end of the acknowledgements.
- D001 Additions to RM3
- D002 Contents of GIRM & CTM
- D003 GIRM changes in 3rd edition
- D004 Recent liturgical Documents
- D005 RM3 Translation
- C001 In Communion with Christ complete
- C002 ICWC Intro
- C003 ICWC - notes for liturgy groups
Parish leaflets
- C011 1. Introduction
- C012 2. Gathering
- C013 3. Word
- C014 4. Thanksgiving
- C015 5. Communion
- C016 6. Mission
- C017 Newsletter inserts
Family leaflets
- C031 1. Introduction
- C032 2. Gathering
- C033 3. Word
- C034 4. Thanksgiving
- C035 5. Communion
- C036 6. Mission
Homily sheets
- C021 1. Introduction
- C022 2. Gathering
- C023 3. Word
- C024 4. Thanksgiving
- C025 5. Communion
- C026 6. Mission
- I011 Presiding
- I012 Concelebration
- I013 Lay Ministry
- I014 Collaborative ministry
- I021 Basic Liturgical formation
- I022 Formation for the Assembly
- I023 Basic formation for ministry
- I024 Respecting the text/knowing the Missal
- I025 Making the connections: Liturgy for life/catechesis/homily
- I031 Liturgy Preparation
- I032 Silence
- I033 ‘It’s not just about us’ -Liturgy as Catholic, Cosmic & Eschatalogical
- I034 Appropriate Adaptation of the Liturgy for celebrations with schools, young people etc.
- I035 Liturgy and issues of Inclusion/Exclusion: children; ecumenism; other faiths (Participation)
- I041 Quality/integrity of Symbols: Bread/Wine/Candles
- I042 Sunday
- I043 Posture
- I044 Music and the Mass
- I045 Incensing
- I046 Flowers and Decoration
- I051 How well do we prepare to gather?
- I052 The Introductory Rites
Liturgy of the Word
- I061 Participating in the Liturgy of the Word
- I062 Preparing a reading
- I063 Preparing a homily
- I064 Preparing the Prayer of the Faithful
Liturgy of the Eucharist
- I071 Participating in the Liturgy of the Eucharist
- I072 Preparation of the Gifts
- I073 The Sunday Collections
- I074 Praying the Eucharistic Prayer
- I075 Choosing a Eucharistic Prayer
Communion Rite
- I081 Communion Procession
- I082 Breaking the Bread
- I083 Communion under Both Kinds
- I084 Use of Tabernacle
- I091 Weekday Mass
- I092 Choosing the readings
- I093 Responding to Events
- I094 Church ordering
- I095 Sacred Images
- I096 Liturgical development and Tradition
Other Resources
Deanery material
- O001 Participating in the Liturgy
- O002 Ministering the Word
- O003 Celebrating with Symbols
Liturgical Assembly
- M001 General Instruction of the Roman Missal: An Introduction
- M002 Celebrating the Mass: An Introduction
- M003 The ministry of the Liturgical Assembly
Ordained Ministry
- M004 General Instruction of the Roman Missal and Celebrating the Mass
A reading guide for Priests
- M005 General Instruction of the Roman Missal and Celebrating the Mass
A reading guide for Deacons
- M006 Liturgical Preaching and Catechesis
Lay Liturgical Ministry
- M010 Liturgy Preparation Groups and Mass
- M011 Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass
- M012 Ministering the Liturgy of the Word to Children at Mass
- M013 Musicians and their ministry at Mass
- M014 Preparing the Liturgical Environment for Mass
- M015 Preparing the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass
- M016 Readers and their ministry at Mass
- M017 Servers and their ministry at Mass
- M018 The ministry of Hospitality at Mass
- M019 The ministry of Lay Leaders
- M020 The ministry of Parents
Lay Liturgical Ministry Children
- M030 The ministry of the Assembly
- M031 The ministry of Musician
- M032 The ministry of Reader
- M033 The ministry of Server
- W000 With Hearts and Minds - info sheet