Year of St Paul

Pope Benedict XVI has declared June 2008 – June 2009 a Year of St Paul in celebration of the 2000th anniversary of the apostle’s birth. It is reckoned that St Paul was born between 6 – 10 A.D. The Holy Father explained that:
‘The Apostle of the Gentiles, who dedicated himself to the spreading of the good news to all peoples, spent himself for the unity and harmony of all Christians. May he guide us and protect us in this bimillenary celebration, helping us to advance in the humble and sincere search for the full unity of all the members of the mystical body of Christ.’
Benedict XVI — Homily at First Vespers of the
Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
The Congregation for Divine Worship has permitted that on 25 January 2009 texts for the Conversion of St Paul may be used at one Mass in each church.
A series of leaflets is being prepared which offer a brief introduction to the letters of St Paul as heard at Sunday Mass. They are intended both for readers and members of the liturgical assembly to help them appreciate the context of the second reading and encourage a greater familiarity with St Paul’s writings. The Liturgy Office is grateful to Nicholas King SJ for his writing of the introductions to the letters.
As with other resources available on the Liturgy Office website the leaflets may be copied free of charge for local use without further permission needed.
Year of St Paul leaflets
- Philemon (pdf) — 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
- 1 & 2 Timothy (pdf) — 24–30 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year C
- 2 Thessalonians (pdf) — 31–33 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year C
- Titus (pdf) Christmas Day
- 1 Corinthinians (pdf) — Year A: 2-8, Year B: 2-6, Year C: 2-8 Sundays in Ordinary Time
- Romans (pdf) — 9-24 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year A
- Philippians (pdf) — 25-28 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year A
- 1 Thessalonians (pdf) — 29-33 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year A
- 2 Corinthians (pdf) — 7-14 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year B
- Ephesians (pdf) — 15-21 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year B
- Galatians (pdf) – 9-14 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year C
- Colossians (pdf) — 15-18 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year C
Further resouces
- Website of St Paul outside the Walls, Rome for Pauline Year
- The Gift of Scripture & St Paul (pdf)
- Year of St Paul Bishops' Conference webpage
- CASE resources for the Year of St Paul
- The letters of St Paul are published by:
- Catholic Truth Society using the Jerusalem Bible translation with a brief introduction by Henry Wansbrough OSB
- Kevin Mayhew using a fresh, lively translation by Nicholas King SJ together with introductions to each text, commentary and questions.
- The image is based on a 9th century manuscript from the Monastery of St Gall believed to be one of the earliest European depictions of St Paul.