SCM Study Guide to Catholic Liturgy

Written by liturgists - pastoral and academic - who make up the Liturgical Formation Sub-Committee of the Department for Christian Life and Worship of the Roman Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, this studyguide offers an introduction to Catholic Liturgy.
Covering the history, content and debates around the use of liturgy in the Catholic church, each chapter includes points for reflection, end of chapter questions, and an indication of further reading. A book-wide glossary is also provided.
The Study Guide to Catholic Liturgy is in three parts with first looking at the Roman Rite, its theology and basic elements. The second part considers the Sacraments with chapters on the rites and on Sacramental and Eucharistic theology. The final section covers funerals, and liturgical time.
The Study Guide is intended for all who are interested in liturgy but it has been especially written for those following introductory courses to Liturgy and the Sacraments. including those in priestly and diaconate formation, lay liturgical ministers, catechists and teachers in Catholic schools. The book provides an exploration of key principles and an examination of the key liturgical celebrations.
The book can be purchased from SCM Press
There is also a podcast introduction to the book with Bishop Alan Hopes, Martin Foster and Peter McGrail.
As part of each chapter there are questions for reflection and discussion. The Liturgy Office website offers a number of supplementary resources and links to the key liturgical documents.These are listed according to each chapter which can be accessed following the links in the contents below.
Principles of Catholic Liturgy
The Sacraments
- Catholic Sacramental Theology
- Christian Initiation of Adults
- Christian Initiation of Children
- The Celebration of the Eucharist
- The Theology of the Holy Eucharist
- Sacraments at the Service of Communion
- Marriage
- Ordination
- Sacraments of Healing
- Reconciliation
- Anointing of the Sick
Beyond the Sacraments
In addition
- Further Reading expanded from the list in the published book (pdf)