Spirit of the Season 2006–2007

Music Ideas

A list of resources can be found at the bottom of the page


Why Sing?

Gospel Acclamations
Celtic Alleluia - O'Carroll/Walker (CFE, Ld)
More about Gospel Acclamations in Winter SOS

Looking ahead - Advent

Quiet & Reflective Music
Litany of the Word - Farrell (Ld)
Longing, Trusting - Foster (Can)
Maranatha - Tamblyn (VE)
My Soul in stillness waits - Haugen (CFE, Ld)
There is a longing - Quigley (Ld)
Wait for the Lord - Taizé (CFE, HON, Ld)
We have hope - Parera (VE)
Stronger Music
Arise, shine out - O'Hara (VE)
Bring forth the Kingdom - Haugen (CFE, Ld)
Come, O God of all the earth - Haugen (CFE)
Come to set us free - Farrell (CFE, Ld)
Lord Emmanuel, Come - McGrail (Ld)
O Come, O Come Emmanuel - trad. (CFE, HON, Ld)
Song of Consolation - Jones (VE)
The Way of the Lord - Foster (Can)

Celebrating Harvest [pdf extra]

Song of Creation
Abundant Life - Haugen (Ld)
All creatures of our God and King (CFE, HON, Ld)
All the nations - Cockett (CFE, HON)
All you works of God - Haugen (GIA)
Bénissez le Seigneur - Taizé (Ld)
Blest are you, Lord - Nazareth (CFE, HON, Ld)
For the fruits of all creation - Pratt Green (Ld)
Laudato sii(HON)
The Heavens are telling - Haugen (Ld)
The seed is Christ - O'Ríada (Ld)
Psalm 103(104)
Where there is a choice use the verses for the Easter Vigil
Send forth your Spirit - Walker (Ld)
Send forth your Spirit - Wright (Psalm Songs)
Other suitable psalms might include 8, 24(25), 64 (65)


What shall we sing?

Eucharistic Acclamations
AYWL Music Resource 4 - Eucharistic Prayer and Communion

Journeying with Mary

Processional Song
Benedictus qui venit - Taizé (VE)
Christ, circle round us - Schutte (VE)
Come, come Emmanuel - Chepponis (VE)
Gospel Greeting - Farrell (VE)
I rejoiced - Foley (VE)
Litany of the Word - Farrell (Ld)
Magnificat - Taizé (Ld)
The Light of Christ - Tamblyn (VE)
The Way of the Lord - Foster (Can)
Where are you bound, Mary? - Glynn (CFE, Ld)
The Magnificat
For ideas see Core Repertoire


Music Ideas - Lent

Led by the Spirit - Hurd (Ld)
O God, I seek you - Haugen (Ld, CFE)
As the deer longs - Hurd (Ld)
I heard the voice of Jesus say (Ld, CFE)
Sing a new church (Ld)
Return to God - Haugen (Ld)
Give me a new heart - Walker (Ld)
Deep within - Haas (Ld)
You are mine - Haas (Ld)
Turn to me - Foley (Ld, CFE, HONL)
Take this moment - Bell (Ld, CFE)
Gospel Acclamation
Lent Gospel Acclamation - Foster (Ld)
Lent Gospel Acclamation, Mass of Light - Haas (Ld, Can)
Lent Gospel Acclamation, O'Hara (Ld, CFE)
Lent Gospel Acclamation, Walsh (Ld, CFE)
Lent Gospel Acclamation, Celtic Mass - Walker (CM)
Open our eyes - Reith (Can)
Praise to you - Raven (Can)
Word of God - McGrail (Ld)

What shall we sing?

Gospel Acclamations
AYWL Music Resource 2 - The Liturgy of Word
Processional Settings
Alleluia - Duncan (T1AY)
Alleluia! Raise the Gospel - Farrell (Can)
Gospel Greeting - Farrell (Can)
Jubilee Alleluia - Walsh (Ld)
Listen now to the Gospel - Zimbabwe (Can)
Salisbury Alleluia - Walker (Ld, CFE)
Quiet Settings
Alleluia Beati - Walker (Can)
Alleluia Universa Laus - Walker (MM1)
Alleluia - South Africa (Ld, Can)


Psalm and Variations

Settings of Psalm 22 (23)
Psalm 22 - Gelineau (Ld, CFE, HONL)
Shepherd me, O God - Haugen (Ld)
O Christe Domine Jesu - Taizé (Ld, CFE, HONL)
The Lord is my shepherd - Bell
The Lord is my shepherd - CJM (Can)
Because the Lord - Walker (Ld)
This is my Body - Collegeville (WWML)
The King of love my shepherd is (Ld, CFE, HONL)
The living God my shepherd is - Brother James' air (Ld)
The Lord's my shepherd (Ld, CFE, HONL)

Music Ideas - Easter

Parts of the Mass
Look for more joyful settings, with additional instrumental parts.
Sprinkling Song
Create within me - Adam (Can)
O wash me - O'Hara (Ld)
Springs of Water - Haugen (Ld)
Water of Life - Dean (Ld)
Settings of the Alleluia - see above.
Taizé chants such as Confitemini Domino

Prayer Responses

Short Responses
Lord, in your mercy - Inwood (CFE)
Through our lives - Bell (CFE, Ld)
We ask you, Lord (Millennium Mass) - Inwood (Ld)
Longer Responses
Hear our prayer - Hurd (Can)
Lord Jesus Christ - Browning (Can)
Take, O take me - Bell (CAYP, Can)
Responses with verses
The verse can either music to accompany spoken text, a simple tone or sung verses.
Give peace in our time - Foster (Can)
Hear our prayer - Sands (OCP8)
O God, hear us - Walker (Can)
Litany (Holden Evening Prayer) - Haugen (Can)


Processional Songs

These suggestions are based on the idea that you should be able to process and sing at the same time. As can be seen from the list below Cantate offers a valuable resource. Another resource well worth looking at is Psallite by the Collegeville group of composers. Though primarily a resource for Sundays the number of settings means that are riches that can be used at other times. For every Sunday it provides a Song of the Week (Entrance), Song of the Word (Psalm) and Song of the Table (Communion). Each song uses a memorable scriptural refrain. The sampler for Year C with song book and CD is called We will follow you, Lord.

Come all you people - Gondo (Can)
Come to us - Boyce (Can)
Come let us celebrate - Maraire (Can)
Gospel Processions
see Winter
Procession with Gifts
Everything is yours - Zambian (Can)
Blest are you - Haugen (Ld)
Come to the Feast - Joncas (Ld)
Communion Procession
Draw near to the Lord - Jakob (Can)
This is the Body of Christ - Bell (Can)
Bread of Life from heaven - Argentinian (Can)
Amen, Amen - Foster (Can)
Always in your presence - Jakob (Can)
Taste & See - CJM


Building a Repertoire

Some Ideas
Explore hymnbooks - if it is thematically arranged (Laudate) look through a section; if not use the thematic index
CDs - much recent music is accompanied by a recording.
Network - with other locals schools or parishes
Music Days - check out what is arranged by your diocesan liturgy commission. Are there specific needs for schools - see about organising a workshop specifically for schools.
Summer Schools - the Society of St Gregory offers an annual Summer School. Check out what the National Network of Pastoral Musicians is offering.


Can Cantate Decani
CAYP Come all you people Wild Goose
CFE Celebration Hymn for Everyone McCrimmons
CM Celtic Mass - Walker OCP (Decani in UK)
GBU Go before us - Farrell OCP (Decani in UK)
HON Hymns Old & New Liturgical Kevin Mayhew
Ld Laudate Decani
MM1 Music for the Mass 1 Chapman
OCP8 Octavo (sheet music) OCP (Decani in UK)
Res Resurrexit Decani
Shepherd me, O God - Haugen GIA (Decani in UK)
T1AY There is One among you Wild Goose
WWML Walk with me, Lord Liturgical Press