
Universal Calendar

Liturgical Calendar

Universal Calendar

April — Universal Calendar
Date Celebration Rank
Date Celebration Rank
2 St Francis of Paola, hermit
4 St Isidore, bishop, doctor of the Church
5 St Vincent Ferrer, priest
7 St John Baptist de la Salle, priest memorial
11 St Stanislaus, bishop, martyr memorial
13 St Martin I, pope, martyr
21 St Anselm, bishop, doctor of the Church
23 St George, martyr;
St Adalbert, bishop, martyr
24 St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest, martyr
25 St Mark, evangelist feast
28 St Peter Chanel, priest, martyr;
St Louis Marie de Montfort, priest
29 St Catherine of Siena, virgin, doctor of the Church memorial
30 St Pius V, pope, religious
  • If no rank is given the celebration is an Optional Memorial.
  • The Universal Calendar can be superseded by Regional, National & Diocesan Calendars