July — Universal Calendar
Date |
Celebration |
Rank |
Date |
Celebration |
Rank |
3 |
St Thomas, apostle |
feast |
4 |
St Elizabeth of Portugal |
5 |
St Anthony Zaccaria, priest |
6 |
St Maria Goretti, virgin, martyr |
9 |
Ss Augustine Zhao Rong, priest and his companions, martyrs |
11 |
St Benedict, abbot |
memorial |
13 |
St Henry |
14 |
St Camillus de Lellis, priest |
15 |
St Bonaventure, bishop, doctor of the Church |
memorial |
16 |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
20 |
St Apollinaris, bishop, martyr |
21 |
St Lawrence of Brindisi, priest, doctor of the Church |
22 |
St Mary Magdalene |
memorial |
23 |
St Bridget, religious |
24 |
St Sharbel Makhluf, priest |
25 |
St James, apostle |
feast |
26 |
Ss Joachim and Ann, parents of Mary |
memorial |
29 |
St Martha |
memorial |
30 |
St Peter Chrysologus, bishop, doctor of the Church |
31 |
St Ignatius of Loyola, priest |
memorial |