
Universal Calendar

Liturgical Calendar

Universal Calendar

July — Universal Calendar
Date Celebration Rank
Date Celebration Rank
3 St Thomas, apostle feast
4 St Elizabeth of Portugal
5 St Anthony Zaccaria, priest
6 St Maria Goretti, virgin, martyr
9 Ss Augustine Zhao Rong, priest and his companions, martyrs
11 St Benedict, abbot memorial
13 St Henry
14 St Camillus de Lellis, priest
15 St Bonaventure, bishop, doctor of the Church memorial
16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel
20 St Apollinaris, bishop, martyr
21 St Lawrence of Brindisi, priest, doctor of the Church
22 St Mary Magdalene memorial
23 St Bridget, religious
24 St Sharbel Makhluf, priest
25 St James, apostle feast
26 Ss Joachim and Ann, parents of Mary memorial
29 St Martha memorial
30 St Peter Chrysologus, bishop, doctor of the Church
31 St Ignatius of Loyola, priest memorial
  • If no rank is given the celebration is an Optional Memorial.
  • The Universal Calendar can be superseded by Regional, National & Diocesan Calendars