
Universal Calendar

Liturgical Calendar

Universal Calendar

February — Universal Calendar
Date Celebration Rank
Date Celebration Rank
2 The Presentation of the Lord feast
3 St Blaise, bishop, martyr;
St Ansgar, bishop
5 St Agatha, virgin, martyr memorial
6 St Paul Miki, and his Companions, martyrs memorial
8 St Jerome Emiliani;
St Josephine Bakhita, virgin
10 St Scholastica, virgin memorial
11 Our Lady of Lourdes
14 Ss Cyril, monk,and Methodius, bishop, memorial
17 The Seven Founders of the Order of Servites
21 St Peter Damian, bishop, doctor of the Church
22 The Chair of St Peter, apostle feast
23 St Polycarp, bishop, martyr memorial
  • If no rank is given the celebration is an Optional Memorial.
  • The Universal Calendar can be superseded by Regional, National & Diocesan Calendars